Winner Announcement!

Winner Announcement!

Last year, we ran a little contest. We never did anything like this before. We asked our customers to nominate their favorite well-deserving brewery for FREE TACKERS. 

During the pandemic, we produced free custom tackers for over two dozen breweries. These breweries were desperately seeking alternative income sources, and gifting them a product to add to their merch line was a great way for us to help support them. It also helped us stay in business when custom orders came to a screeching halt by offering new merchandise in our e-commerce store. 

Last year, we put a fresh spin on the same idea. We asked our customers to nominate their favorite brewery to receive free tackers. And as an added bonus, if their nominee was selected, the person that nominated them got the first one.

The contest took place on our facebook page. We simply asked entrants to like our page, tag their favorite brewery in the comments, and tell us why they are deserving of free tackers. 

Well, Nancy Gonzales's entry tugged at our heartstrings. Here is an exerpt from her post:

I would like to nominate Odysessy Beerwerks to receive free tackers. The owners, Chris and Deana Hill do so much to support the community, in addition to making amazing beer! They often collaborate with other breweries in making specialty beers and foster the camaraderie within the brewing industry. During COVID-19 stay-at-home-order period, Odyssey Beerwerks hosted several virtual events which really boosted morale and helped in getting through a difficult time. Chris and Deana continue to support the community of Arvada, Colorado. They make a great community even better. Their tin tacker is what I've been waiting for!  

And so, Odyssey Beerwerks of Arvada, Colorado was selected as our winner. I worked with Deana Hill, one of the owners, to finalize the design. After several design iterations the tackers are now complete. 

Odyssey Beerwerks Tin Tacker

From Odyssey's facebook page:

Have you seen our new tin tackers? Thanks to this lady right here, who nominated us for a contest with TinTackers, we won 50 of them for free! Nancy has asked us for YEARS to do some tackers...literally, almost all nine years we've been open! And she finally got her wish. As a thank you to Nancy for nominating us and to pay it forward, we are donating half of the proceeds of sales of these tackers ($25 each) to a worthy cause of her choice, the Colorado Fallen Hero Foundation. Of course, many thanks to TinTackers for choosing us as the winner of your contest!

Winner of Nominate a Brewery for Free Tackers Contest

If you are in the Denver metro area...stop by and see Odyssey. Have a beer or two, pick up some awesome swag. But if you're not, you can always grab a tacker here while they last 


 And start thinking about which brewery YOU will nominate when we run the contest again in a few months! 

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